Mandibular Angle

The mandibular angle is defined as the portion of the mandible covered by the masseter. Mandibular angle fractures can also be classified as favorable or unfavorable based on the absence or presence of distracting muscular forces. Wisdom teeth are a risk factor for fractures of the mandibular angle. These fractures are associated with injury to the inferior alveolar nerve.


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Images show a mandibular angle fracture on the left and a mandibular body fracture on the right. The left mandibular angle fracture extends across the inferior alveolar canal. Mminimal displacement of the left mandibular angle fracture and mdoerate displacement of the right mandibular body fracture are seen. Bilateral displaced nasal bone fractures are also seen.

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Sagittal image demonstrates a minimally displaced fracture of the left mandibular angle.

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A slightly more medial sagittal image demonstrates the fracture line extending from the angle of the left mandible through the inferior alveolar canal.

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Coronal image demonstrates the left mandibular angle fracture running superomedially.

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Axial image demonstrates a minimally displaced fracture at the left mandibular angle and a moderately displaced fracture at the right manidbular body.

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Mandibular Symphysis
Mandibular Body
Mandibular Condyle


Orbital Fractures
Nasal Fractures
Tripod Fractures
LeFort Fractures
Smash Fractures
Mandibular Fractures